Saturday, January 15, 2022

MTC 5.0

After Fortaleza, Brazil; Orlando, Florida; Preston Temple, England; and Boston, Massachusetts, (and being called to the Manhattan Temple, and then uncalled due to Covid) we thought we were through serving full-time missions.  But apparently not.  Last fall we felt impressed to request to go back to Boston (this time in the Office), where we are still in contact with many of our beloved Cape Verdeans from the Branch we served there.  So we applied, and were called to Eugene Oregon, MLS (Member Leader Support)!  More on that another day.

Due to Covid concerns (theirs, not ours!) we are doing our MTC training via zoom.  Here's what our training looked like last week:

These couples are each very remarkable, and we learned so much from them, as well as from our dear instructor, Sister Lindh.  Clockwise, the impressive Langes are going to be Church Representatives at the Organization  of American States; the Poultons are going to the Philippines; the Nygrens are going to Greece; and the Perrys (no relation to Elder L. Tom) are going to Cincinnati to work with refugees from Nepal.  Then there's us! 😳

Hearing about the sacrifices each of them have made for their missions was very inspiring.  We were honored to learn with them and look forward to meeting with all but one of them (plus a few more couples) again during the coming week's training.

We feel so blessed to have the Gospel in our lives, and to have the health, enough mental acuity, and the resources to serve again.  Our mission scripture:

"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?  Go forward and not backward... On, on to the victory!" (D&C 128:22) As Elder Holland said, "The final outcome between good and evil is already known. (We need) to decide which team’s jersey we want to wear."

We were grateful for those family members who joined us for our talks and even
musical number - we were sad to miss half of my grandkids and all but one of
Craig's.  Top left is our Stake President at our setting apart.


  1. What a cool experience to be able to connect with other couples virtually in your MTC experience. Good luck as you move forward in your wonderful service! Love the other Evans family.

  2. That picture with you and Lydia is adorable! Love you guys and thanks for being good examples to us!

  3. That picture of you and Lydia is the sweetest. Thanks for the example you're setting for all of your grandkids!
