Saturday, June 11, 2022

Nothing Like Visitors to Make it a Great Week!!!

Two of my AMAZING sisters and their ever-supportive husbands made the drive from Utah County to come visit us this week.  While I know seeing us was the main draw, they really wanted to see some deer (which they did!) and they timed their 28-hour stay so they could attend the Alturas Country Jam.  I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but a group of phenomenal musicians (mostly over 80!) get together weekly at a Congregational Church and take turns singing.  They invited me to join them several weeks ago and we go when we can.  My sister Patti was the hit of the year singing her "Crazy," and my brother-in-law, Lynn, sang a sweet old Gospel song.  Then last minute we three decided to sing “America The Beautiful.”  Talk about a highlight for me, as being Patriotic was so important in our home!

We stupidly never got a picture of the six of us!!!

In typical generous fashion, they brought donuts for the whole group to celebrate my birthday.  As it turned out, there was another participant there whose birthday was also this week, so they sang to both of us.  I thought I was being funny when I asked her which of us she thought was older.  In all seriousness she told me she was 78, then waited for me to state my age so we would know who was older.  I guess I am not real self aware!  Or funny!
I wish I would have gotten a picture of Patti presenting
these Dunford Donuts to us!
(Notice Margaret in the background!)

On Sunday night we had the first practice for our Inter-Faith Patriotic Program.  Five showed.  Two were members.  But we were THRILLED that one was our dear Seventh-Day Adventist friend who was so ill we weren’t sure he would live through the Easter musical program.  He is still hanging in and blessing everyone around him with his amazing faith and attitude!  We are praying (and groveling) for more participants this week!

We are still struggling to find people to teach, but we did have a baptism this week…. Of a cute 8-year-old boy in the Branch.  I was touched that he sidled up to me a few weeks ago and asked if I would play for it.

As I’ve mentioned, 4H is big here.  The other day as we were walking to the Church we passed these two! (Turn your volume up!) 

While we have nothing specific to say about it, Craig suggested I mention how much we are LOVING our deep dive into the Old Testament.  We hope everyone is taking advantage of the great resources that coincide with the inspired “Come, Follow Me” Program.


  1. Oh I love all these pictures of you with your sisters! And the video of the sheep! You guys are amazing and such a great example to all of us!

  2. So glad you had some awesome visitors!

  3. I totally had to look up what 4H is, that video is hilarious. I love the pictures with your visitors. Sounds like an amazing time!
