Saturday, October 15, 2016


The first Sunday we went to Church here in Chorley we were greeted by Brother Fullwood, who reminded us to be reverent as we entered the chapel, while he also tried his best to keep those in the foyer quiet.  The next week at the temple I saw him chatting with someone in the entryway.  They asked if he was teaching Seminary again this year.  He rather disgustedly said that he thinks others determined that he was too old, so he sadly wasn't able to this year, but that he was happy he had a Primary class to teach and was enjoying them.  He was in the first session of the day in the temple nearly every morning, except for last Thursday.  He came to the 5:00 p.m. session instead, then went home and sat in a chair and passed away.  He was 82. It was so sweet to hear his Seminary students from last year tearfully bear their testimonies last Sunday about how he would teach Seminary in the morning, then go to the temple to prepare for the next morning's lesson, and how much they learned from him and loved him. Sometimes Craig and I feel tired and torn - we hope to always remember the commitment and dedication of this amazing man.  Thank you, Brother Fullwood, for your example. 
Brother Fullwood
After much debating, fussing, and praying, we decided to rent a car and see if we could drive on the "wrong" side of the street.  Driving on the left isn't tricky - the MULTI-lane roundabouts that they use at nearly every intersection in lieu of street lights are.  But we had a lovely day on our P-Day, with me driving and Craig navigating (and being nervous!)  Before going very far, we drove to a little village about 5 miles away and while marveling at the scenery were invited into the garden of a home owner.  She had seen Craig's missionary badge and said, "I can see the angel on your temple in the evening from my bedroom window - come into my garden and take your picture there."  You probably can't see it, but the temple is above Craig's head and a bit to the left.
We are supposed to wear casual clothes on our P-Day... All missions have different rules!
You can see it better here, taken on our way back.

We don't know of any LDS Church influence in the area where we saw the sign below - we know other religions have paid tithing in the past, and the name of this little road appears to be proof!  
In case you can't read past the tall grass, the road sign is "TitheBarn Lane"

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