Sunday, October 23, 2016


Last weekend we took a little jaunt to Glasgow, Scotland.  We went by train and enjoyed some lovely scenery.  Keeping up with tradition, we went to the closest LDS Church on Sunday, only to find out it was Stake Conference for that ward!  We did get to hear the last 15 minutes of a lovely talk!  Later on in the evening, we walked to the Glasgow Cathedral, which was built in the 1100s.

We didn't think we should take a picture inside.
We were there during "Evensong," which is a kind of Mass.  This service was televised (four different cameras going), so the choir was made of professional singers.  The music was incredible; but I realized that as I was listening to the perfect voices with the amazing acoustics I preferred listening with my eyes closed.  While the singers were technically flawless, I could not discern any feeling or testimony coming through with the music.   I am so grateful to belong to a Church that allows us non-professionals to participate and contribute.  All of us do our best to do our part, and we can always bear our testimonies in whatever offering we make, and we can serve our Heavenly Father with well-intentioned hearts.

On Monday we took a tour of the surrounding area:

Loch Lomond (It's huge - 25 miles long and 5 miles wide at some parts)- It was rainy and cloudy all day, but when we hiked this little hill to see the view, the clouds opened up and it was sunny - till we got back down!

Doune Castle - Most of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" was  filmed from different angles of this castle.
Other movies and shows have been filmed here as well.
Stirling Castle - Mary Queen of Scots and other royalty lived here.  Very stark - I would rather live in our humble home with our cushy bed and screens on the windows!  (The Scottish climate was not kind to my hair.)

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