Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Description of What The Holy Ghost Feels Like

We were assigned to work in the Baptistry again last week.  So often there are large groups of Youth who come in, and sadly sometimes it's not as reverent as it could be, lessening their chances of having a Spiritual Experience.  But last week one of our sessions was with just one family that consisted of father, mother, son, daughter, and daughter's boyfriend.  The boyfriend (around 20 years old) had been a member for only a month, so this was his first time in the temple.  He brought some of his own family names, which increases the experience exponentially.  While the first two were being baptized I quietly explained to him that he would likely feel the presence of those for whom he was doing the work.  He got tearful and said, "I feel so different.  I have butterflies in my stomach and joy in my chest and they're meeting in the middle and not going anywhere.  I've never felt anything like it.  It's amazing."  

Another small group consisted of a Bishop, his Councilor, and another established ward member who had brought from Aberdeen, Scotland, three brand new converts and one returning member.  Two of the new converts were from China, and will return there in a few months.  The awe and purity in their faces as they were baptized was so beautiful.  So amazing to us was that a young Bishop would take two days off work to bring new converts to the temple himself, rather than delegate it, or assume someone else would do it.  Such dedication and commitment!  As a side note that I will not let Craig edit out, I have to say that the returning member was a fellow about Craig's age, who was well educated and had been quite successful.  At the end of the session he asked if he could speak with Craig privately.  He said, "I feel really good just being around you.  What suggestions do you have for me so I can be like you?"  And I get to be his companion 24/7!!!!

Every now and then we are reminded that not everybody is thrilled to have Americans helping here in the temple.  (But that's okay, we're not here for them.)  But there is a dear Sister Campbell who comes once a month from Scotland to spend a week working in the temple, who knits a sweater for each of the American sisters who serves here.  I love the sweater that she just gave me, and will wear it through the years and feel of her love.

The picture does not do it justice - it is so beautiful.

Our little village of Chorley is so delightful.  These lovely flower boxes line
the intersection for miles.  So happy! (Finally got a sunny day to take this!)


  1. That sweater is incredible, what a labor of love! Love these stories about people feeling the Spirit in the temple. Love the compliment Craig received.
    How did you get that picture of the intersection flowers? Were you playing frogger again?

  2. That sweet lady knitting everyone a sweater makes me want to cry! What a kind thing to do! What sweet experiences! Love you!
