Sunday, April 2, 2017

Lacock Abbey

Isn't LDS General Conference so wonderful!  We have loved the emphasis on truly understanding Christ and what He has done for us, and our need to turn to Him.  Much more clearly and consistently reiterated than we can ever remember.  We're grateful to be able to watch it live, even if it goes to 11:00 p.m.  (Must admit - Women's Conference and Priesthood are enjoyed the morning after!)

We don't want to distract from the Spirit of the weekend, but just wanted to post a few more pictures from our little trip last weekend.  One of the things we did was go to Lacock Abbey.  I have always had a soft spot in my heart for nuns.  I am grateful to have the understanding that we do, that we can best be His servants by being the "salt of the earth" and living among all people, and having family units.  But I appreciate the sacrifices and commitment of nuns through the ages, and enjoyed seeing one of the many places where they had lived and served.  This "nunnery" was built in the 1200s and was amazingly well preserved - a family bought it after King George obliterated all churches except his, and used a portion for living quarters. The interior pictures below are not where they lived, but were left as they were during the Abbey days.
Lacock Abbey

These original walls are from the 1200s;  the floor is
from the 1400s.  There was only one room in the whole
 place with a fire place - I felt sad for the cold nuns.
I didn't take this picture, but since it's better than mine, lifted it!  Per our friend
who organized the trip, this hall was used in filming a Harry Potter.

I did take this!  :)  A Cedar of Lebanon tree outside the Abbey.

1 comment:

  1. I read this a while back and totally failed to comment. That abbey looks amazing. Did you sing in it?

    And yep. That is so Harry Potter!!
