Sunday, July 16, 2017

Last Post - Thanks for Tuning In!!!

Besides saying good-bye to people, we have been taking extra care to admire, enjoy, soak in, and be grateful for the beautiful country in which we have served.  For every picture of the landscape that we have posted, there were several others that were taken!  On our walk to Church today we strolled past the temple and took some last pictures of the incredible landscaping.

This will be our last post since we leave on Friday to go home.  There is no way to tell who has looked at this blog, but we need to say:  Our purpose in coming on this mission was to help facilitate the performing of the eternal saving ordinances for deceased family members, which can be done only in the Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Because what is done in the Temple is sacred and not talked about out of the Temples, we have not been able to share most of our experiences in this blog, but we have indeed enjoyed some marvelous events that have impacted our lives, and we are so grateful for them.  We KNOW that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true Church upon the earth, and provides the saving ordinances that enable us all to return to our Heavenly Father.
Last Sunday stroll around the Temple that we love so much!


  1. Beautiful picture. You can still have a blog on you're home? Please?

  2. You and Craig are amazing-- grateful for your example and grateful you're coming home!!
