Saturday, November 24, 2018

Helpful Stories, Anyone?

We don't have a lot of Missionary experiences to report yet.  This week was filled with plotting and planning, and meeting with the AMAZING Sister Missionaries to get some background on everyone in the Branch.  (The Elders are great too, but one of the Sisters has been here by far the longest and knows the most about the people.)

Our introduction to the Branch on Sunday was very validating - we are indeed needed!  I was glad to help out as the pianist, which I will probably be doing every week - It is a good fit since I can't speak Portuguese well enough to greet and visit with the members!  We met with a member of the Stake Presidency, and we will both be getting some callings next week, which should really facilitate our ability to serve.  

This sweet little branch of Saints from Cape Verde has 98 members (53 households).  Once the six missionaries and a few other support staff from the Stake were subtracted, there were about 25 people attending Sacrament Meeting on Sunday.  As we reviewed the Branch list with the Sisters, there were so many of whom the Sisters said, "She is really sweet, but she has to work at one of her four jobs on Sundays."  Or "He works two full-time jobs, and if he's not working on Sunday, he's exhausted and sleeps."  Only a handful of the members have cars, so the others have to leave more than an hour before Church starts (which is 9:00) to get there.  If any of you have first- or second-hand specific experiences of members having Faith, and giving up one's job in order to consistently attend Church, will you please email it to one of us?  Thank you!  We think being able to share others' stories with them as we visit would be helpful.  Being active in the Church really does require a lot of faith for some people!

The Senior Couples in the office graciously invited us to join them and the Mission President and his wife for Thanksgiving Dinner.  We enjoyed making new friends!  Thanksgiving Day and the day after were record cold - below 0.  Agh!  It's been a bit warmer since...

President and Sister Mavromatis - They were raised in Brazil, but he is Greek.  She is even prettier and younger than this  shows!  (And they have three GROWN sons!) They are great people and we are excited to work with them.

Our very dedicated lovely Sisters, who willingly share their insights into Branch Members!

Under the Small World category - This is one of the Elders
who also serves in the Branch.  He went to school and is good
friends with Craig's grandson in AZ, Brennan Thompson!

A lot of people have asked how far we live from Boston.  On our one clear day
so far, we saw this as we drove to our Chapel.  So THIS is how far away we are!

And lastly, under the Good News category....  The parking spot that the
couple before us had was given to another tenant, and we were given this one! 
For a Toyota Camry!  Right...  (Especially since the rows are squished.) 
I guess they saw us parking outside so gave us a little bit better spot.  Whew!


  1. It sounds like you are so needed!! I’m sure you two will do incredible things there! Those Sister missionaries look darling and that parking space is hilarious. What a joke!

  2. Ha ha the parking spot! It looks like you get to work with such awesome people! And wow, those sweet people in the branch. I’m so glad you are so needed there! We miss you here! :)

  3. That parking spot is tiny!! So glad you're loving the people and the work! Keep on killing it sista!

  4. Neat, Mom! I'm so happy you have uplifting and amazing 0coworkers in the gospel". ☺️ Hopefully you have a backup camera? Yikes. And thanks for the insight on where you are in proximity to Boston. Love you!
