Sunday, December 9, 2018


Yes, it's been a busy week!  On Sunday Craig was called to be the First Counselor in the Branch Presidency (with the specific assignment of helping the Branch use the Handbook!) and I was called as First Counselor in the Relief Society.  So I started working on my Portuguese again....  

Additionally, we were set apart as Ordinance Workers in the Boston Temple where we will serve once a week.

(Every now and then we old folks can sort of pull off a selfie!)
 Among their many endearing qualities, Cape Verdians are known for not concerning themselves with clocks.  This is a picture of our Sacrament Meeting on Sunday morning at 9:00 - time to start.  (Since we don't meet IN a Chapel, I thought it was ok to take a picture.)  I was at the piano, and I need to say that the missionaries had come and were out by the door to greet their people. (This was before Craig was sustained.  And no, the Branch Presidency wasn't just out of the camera's view.  They aren't there either.)   

Craig didn't know I was taking the picture - notice he's checking his watch!
So who is the lone member with my handsome husband?  This is a very dedicated, conscientious member named Denny.  We took him out to dinner to try to assure him he is appreciated and needed and beg him not to get discouraged and go to the English-speaking Ward (which he can do with his impeccable English.)  He told us his story - He said his grandmother is "more Catholic than the Pope" and he was living with her in Cape Verde, working on becoming a Priest, when he met the missionaries.  After a long and careful study, he was baptized.  When he got home from his baptism, his suitcases had been packed by his grandmother and were waiting for him at the front door.  After a bit he smoothed things somewhat, but when he would do Church work his family and friends would tell him painful things like he might as well paint his face white.  After a couple of years he went on a mission, which his family interpreted as disgracing them for a second time.  He works on Saturday night until 6 a.m. Sunday morning, and has an hour-long multi-bus ride to Church, but has been there on time the three weeks we've been there.  He's a wonderful young man.
(Photo bomber in middle was not with us)
Those who know me well will know that my Annual Christmas Season Wish was fulfilled this year, since I was able to go to a Messiah Sing-In!  We haven't done anything fun or touristy, but I kept looking online for a close Sing-In.  We found one a mile away from our apartment at the oldest boy's school in the country - the West Roxbury Latin School.  It's an incredible place, and since it was held at a boy's school, the Tenor and Bass sections were the BEST I've ever heard at a Sing In!!!  Don't know how many more years I can fake the Soprano, but I cried and cried as I listened to and sang the sacred words of (mostly) Isaiah put to such inspired music!  If you haven't listened to it lately, at least check out the more well-known parts this Season!
We didn't take the top pic.  The inscription behind me in the school's chapel
said "Oh God Our Help In Ages Past..... Our Hope For Years To Come"