Sunday, December 16, 2018


In the spirit of "if anything is worth doing, it's worth overdoing," I decided that a good excuse to meet everyone in the Branch would be to take them a Christmas treat.  Because Cape Verdians don't love desserts, we decided to take fruit bowls or bags (depending on the size of the family) to all 53 households.  My ever-accommodating companion reluctantly agreed, despite his better judgement.  So after a large Costco run, and making dozens of bowls / bags with fruit, wrapped candy (I HAD to do something sweet) and an invitation to our Sacrament Meeting on Dec 23, we headed out with great expectations.

Ready to see EVERYONE!
We went out every day this week.  We discovered a LOT of people who did not appreciate being discovered; found a few appreciative recipients; and realized what dreadfully long hours some of our dear members work.  Some days, after hours of attempts, we came home with about as many bowls/bags as we left with.  Fun fact: After delivering dozens of bags, we discovered wrapped candy left in a bag with fruit for a few days starts to melt and makes everything disgusting and sticky!  Now you know!  (We, of course, discovered this after delivering many bags that were sure to have stickiness everywhere!  Embarrassing!)
Returning home after a LONG, COLD day.  We tried so hard!
So bottom line - we know where everyone in the Branch lives, who not to expect to see at Church, and who would appreciate visits after the First of the Year.  As of Sunday morning, there are only 4 houses that we still need to contact.  Hopefully we'll get them today.

We had a lovely break in the action this week as my daughter, Becky, and her family came for a few days while they looked for a home to move into next month when they relocate to the area.  Her husband, Ryan, accepted a job in Boston after we got our call to serve here.  We are going to be so grateful to have family close (as in 45 minutes away) while we're here!  We planned to take a day and a half off, but ended up working one 11-hour day, and one 6-hour day while they were here.
Ryan was here too....  Apparently always the one taking the picture! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh you guys are amazing!!! Every single household? They look beautiful! Wow. And those pictures with the DeFig boys are adorable! Love and miss you lots!
