Saturday, April 30, 2022

Let the Lord Prevail!

As I’m sure you all know, like most of the West we live in an area of extreme drought.  Our Stakes have fasted and prayed for precipitation, and we have gotten it!  It SNOWED a lot this week!  Our drive to Zone Conference in Medford was so green and beautiful.  (Since I was the driver, we have no pictures, unfortunately!)  This area still needs a lot more (hopefully RAIN at this point) to water crops and limit fire hazards.

We were FINALLY able to go to the Temple, which shares a parking
lot with the Stake Center where we have Zone Conferences.

And from the front, in the evening!
SO WONDERFUL to go again!

Speaking of weather, we are so grateful that my daughter, Sara, and her family were safe during the tornado that ripped through their small city of Andover, KS this week.  Blessings Blessings.

Taken from Sara's window as she got kids to their shelter.

We finally got permission to do an Addiction Recovery program here!  We will start week after next.  We have a few friends who need it and have committed to coming – in the past they were supposed to go to Klamath Falls, or do meetings over zoom.  We’re excited to be part of this solution and help others understand how the Atonement of Jesus Christ can change their lives.

Our cute Betsy is totally planning to get baptized, but wants to finish her move first.  When you have 100 animals and no truck (her 1975 Ford has been pronounced dead) and need to move 45 miles away, it’s a slow process.  We are trying to convince her it’s not good to wait for circumstances to be perfect before following Christ, or we may miss the opportunity to do what is right!  We were so grateful to be able to participate via zoom in Hyrum's baptism, since we haven't had one here!  So proud of him!

(Poor quality, so has to be small!)

In addition to umpiring (which Craig did again today) and singing at other Churches (which I do every week) we support all local events and fund raisers that we can.  Tonight we had AMAZING Indian Tacos (Modoc is an Indian name, so I guess they don't do "Navajo" Tacos here!) for a 4H fundraiser.  Such nice, humble, hard-working folks with good kids!

The storms create such amazing sunsets!


  1. Just caught up reading all of your posts. So touched your efforts to help EVERYONE. You are perfect examples of how much love our Father in Heaven and our Savior has for us ❤

  2. Yay for getting some precipitation. (I just wish it weren't on Mother's Day.) I'm so glad you were able to go to the temple!
