Saturday, April 23, 2022

Opening Day, Opening Mission Call, and Easter Recap

To our delight, Alturas is a town that loves and plays baseball!  Opening Day was today, and there were six fields with games constantly going from 10 – 6!  In a town of 2500!  There was one particularly adorable (if not now-very-sore) umpire!

The game was 2.5 hours long! It's not like it's been 50 years since he's done this!!!! 💓
What we won't do to serve and meet new people and interact with them!!!

This week we joined a zoom call for Craig’s grandson to open his mission call to Lubbock, TX.  Craig is 6/6 for grandchildren going on missions!  So blessed.

So taking a photo of the screen wasn't the best idea...
Two missionaries out - 2 with calls - 2 RMs not pictured!

In an attempt to create new ways to serve and maybe even have teaching opportunities I invited a High School girl who had sung in our Interfaith Choir to bring some friends for lunch.  We live 3 doors from the school, so why not?  The girls were just adorable and gracious.  And definitely loved the monkey bread!  I will do that again soon!

I should never try to do selfies!  Thank heaven for the ability to crop!

I love participating with other religions in their worship services – I am so sad that every Church in Alturas has their Sunday meetings the same time ours meets. But the Baptist Church had a 6:00 Easter morning sunrise service around a fire pit, so I went and loved it!

Notice the moon above the trees?  Pretty morning, but 25 degrees!

In addition to our dear Betsy, we invited a lovely lady from the Branch to join our Easter dinner.  Unfortunately, none of the food was really great, but the company was delightful!

When will I learn not to do selfies?  

1 comment:

  1. It's inspiring to read what a difference you're making in that community. They're lucky to have you!
