Sunday, November 6, 2016


Every week in this temple a different Stake is assigned to attend.  Some weeks that means that we have a lot of people from either Yorkshire or Nottingham or Liverpool etc attend the temple throughout the week.  But for the Stakes that are far away, there is a large pilgrimage.  The assignment schedule is set around the autumn, winter, spring and summer breaks for the schools in the attending area, because the youth come too, and perform baptisms all week and work in the Family History Center.  There are also firesides and sometimes a dance with the local Chorley kids for the Youth, so it is somewhat like a Youth Conference. 

Last week the Belfast Stake was assigned to attend the temple.  Coming from Belfast requires either a plane ride (which means renting a car once here, or public transportation from the airport), or passage via a ferry.  A lot of people took the overnight (8-hour) ferry, which allows them to bring their car.  Depending on if they get a room to sleep in, how many are in their family, how big there car is, etc, this ferry can cost several hundred dollars each way.  Plus they pay for the Accommodations or a hotel once here.

I really enjoyed visiting with some of the dozens of faithful Sisters (I was coordinating an area where I saw only Sisters all week, but it was in an area where visiting was ok!) who came from Belfast.  There were some in wheelchairs, some who were deaf, some who were quite far along in a pregnancy, some who had serious medical issues and any movement caused severe pain - yet they were all here for the whole week. As one was telling me about their semi-annual trek she said, "We don't take holidays (vacations) - they don't mean anything.  But coming to the temple is what's important, so we spend all our time off and save our money for our trips here."  

Craig had several wonderful experiences this week as well, but none that are appropriate to share outside the temple.  Come see us and we'll talk inside the temple!  :)

As for the worldly part of our existence, we were given a tip from a dear friend as we prepared to come to England to "Never pass up a a Fish 'n Chips place!"  Well, Nelsy, we have one on our walk home from our daily shopping and would be in serious trouble if we stopped EVERY time, but we do enjoy the treat once a week!
This is ONE order - we split it.  So so so yummy!!!

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